To my ancestors, thank you

I spent last weekend in a cabin in the woods. Literally. Admittedly, it was really nice – very clean and fairly new, so the all-important indoor plumbing/electricity/comfortable bed trifecta was covered. The décor was even “log-cabin,” so it felt right. I loved that the notebook with information about the cabin included a visitor’s guide with…

Adoptees and building trees !

Tracing your family history can be challenging. For adoptees, it can feel like an impossible challenge. BUT, it’s not impossible. I’m an adoptee and I’ve successfully traced my maternal relatives back to the late 1700s in Scotland/Ireland, and brought my tree forward to the man that is more than likely my father. Was I an…

Different perspectives

It came as something of a surprise recently to find out that one of my relatives thinks a bit differently than I do about our family photos from the last 40 years or so. The goal on this person’s part was paring down – to look at the photos and get rid of those in…